Diagnosis – Peace of mind

by Anna (pseudonymous)

I have been seeing a therapist regularly for the past several months to help with my deepening depression and increasing anxiety. She has helped me a bit, giving me strategies for reducing stress such as progressive muscle relaxation and breathing exercises (which I usually forget to do. Oops). And while I have improved in some respects – for instance, forcing myself to do more household chores and listen to music again (have you heard Lady Gaga’s new single? I love it!) – my mood continues to deteriorate. She decided it was time to explore my options regarding antidepressant medications. I agreed fully: at this point, I’ll try anything that might make me feel better.

Therapist referred me to a psychiatrist and I had my first appointment yesterday. The person I saw is actually a NP, but that didn’t seem to make a difference: she was wonderful. She read me like a book and after talking with me for a little over an hour confirmed the things I have suspected for some time but had no way of validating on my own. Read the rest of this entry »